Foundational Astrology
Every introductory medieval text begins with discussion of the natures of the signs, planets, aspects, and the significations of the houses. Though these basic concepts may be tedious to learn to those who are already versed in some type of astrology, they are immensely important. By diligent study and good command of these basics the student is less likely to err in their judgments and have a more profound understanding of the interconnectedness of the entire astrological system.
Horary Astrology
Horary astrology (also called interrogational) focuses on answering specific questions. While this can be accomplished with natal astrology, horary offers a much more precise and accurate tool that is capable of distinguishing individual circumstances from larger lifelong themes. In other words, natal astrology will indicate what type of career you should or will have, but horary astrology will tell you if you'll obtain a specific position you have your sights on.
Electional Astrology
Electional astrology (also called inceptional) is perhaps the oldest branch of astrology. The goal of elections is to select the most astrologically appropriate time to begin an activity to ensure the desired outcome. In the distant past, this was used mainly for affairs of state; elections would be constructed to select the best time to go to war, make peace, plant crops, or crown a king. Today we use them for more personal goals; starting a business, selecting a wedding date, or an auspicious time to safely undergo a medical procedure.
Astrological Magic
Many individuals who become serious about astrology seek a spiritual connection with it. Most will find a way to include astrology into their preexisting philosophical or religious ideas and others will allow astrology to alter those ideas altogether, or shape them from the ground up.
Medical Astrology
Astrological medicine was an important tool in medieval times. Many doctors were trained astrologers who incorporated astrology into the healing arts for assistance with diagnosis, prognosis, and even treatment. Astrologer-doctors had many different tools they could utilize in their craft to help the human body overcome diseases, but the focus of many of these astrologer-doctors was on preventative medicine.
Natal Astrology
The most well-known branch of astrology, natal astrology (or genethliacal astrology) seeks to understand an individual's life and future through an astrological chart cast for the moment of birth.