Astrological Magic
"Indeed all sages agree in this, that the planets have influence and powers in this world, by which all things are made and transformed by the movement of the planets in the signs. For this reason sages understand that the foundation of magic is the movement of the planets."
-Picatrix, Book II, Chapter I
Theurgy in Astrology
Explore the spiritual traditions inherent in astrology through the lens of the Platonic philosopher Iamblichus and his divine tokens.
The Guardian Daimon
Ancient religion speaks of the Guardian Daimon, a spiritual protector assigned to the individual at birth. This idea was incorporated into astrology where many astrologers claimed to be able to identify and contact this entity through astrological calculations.
Lunar Mansions
The Arabic tradition utilizes 28 lunar mansions, each with their own powers in electional astrology and astrological magic.
Talismanic Creation
The practice of astrological magic focuses on the creation of physical talismans crafted at auspicious moments. Learn more about the practice and simple tips and guidelines on how to make your rituals and talismans.
The Moon in Traditional Magic
The Moon is the most important planet in astrology for both practical and philosophical reasons. This article talks about the Moon’s pivotal role in magic from a historical perspective.