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About the Author

Medieval Astrology Guide is maintained and authored by New Mexico based astrologer Ryhan Butler. Ryhan has studied classical astrological techniques with an emphasis on medieval astrology since 2009. Focusing primarily on the intersection of ancient medicine, magic, and astrology Ryhan has hosted a YouTube channel spotlighting upcoming elections since 2018. He has also served his community on the boards of AFAN (now part of OPA) and ISAR.

About the Site

Medieval Astrology Guide is a resource for the theory, techniques, and practices of medieval astrology. The site is dedicated to presenting the most accurate and complete picture of medieval astrology as an art and science.

The site features designated sections for each of the branches of medieval astrology to facilitate an ease of access, navigation, and organization for interested students of astrology. These areas of the site contain information and resources for those wishing to deepen their knowledge of a particular branch or techniques associated with that branch.

The site is updated regularly, so check back often or subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date!  If you have any comments, feedback, questions, or concerns, please contact us using the form below.

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