Ryhan is available for astrological consultations. Consultations can be held in person should you be local to the Dallas, TX area, through email, or over Zoom. For more information about services offered, pricing, and payment methods please read below. To schedule your consultation, please contact me by filling out the form in any of the sections below.

Horary Consultations

Horary Astrology is the art of answering specific questions.

Book your horary consultation by filling out the form below.

Standard Horary Consultation

Horary seeks to explore an individual's question and the situation that surrounds that question while offering insight into the past and present as well as advice for how to best handle what will come. Throughout the consultation process the symbolic themes of the horary chart will be explored and applied to the question to help you make the most informed decision possible.

A few example questions that horary is prepared to offer insight on are:

  • Will I get the job? Is it worth taking?Is this move a good idea?

  • Will I do well there?

  • Does this relationship have potential?

  • I’ve lost something dear to me, will I recover it? Where is it?

  • Someone close to me is ill, will they recover?

  • Will I suffer any major health issues this year?

  • And many more…

The price of a horary consultation is $90 USD. Request your consultation by filling out the form on the left. Payment is accepted through PayPal and will need to be finalized before the consultation but other payment options may be explored. Expect a response within 24 hours of initial contact.

Horary Second Opinion Consultation

A little different from the standard horary consultation, the second opinion focuses on helping the client work through a horary chart that they have cast themselves or are otherwise investigating. The purpose of this service is to provide professional insight into the interpretation of and consultation surrounding a horary chart that has already been cast. This can be a great way for those new to horary practice to get some guided experience on a current horary or receive feedback about why something unforeseen in the original interpretation occurred or didn’t occur.

The price of a second opinion consultation is $50. Request your consultation by filling out the form on the left. Payment is accepted through PayPal and will need to be finalized before the consultation but other payment options may be explored. Expect a response within 24 hours of initial contact.

Electional Consultations

Electional Astrology is the art of stacking the deck in your favor.

Book your electional consultation by filling out the form below.

Electional astrology utilizes astrological principles to choose the most auspicious times to begin some venture. This is useful for those who want an extra sense of security or some specific outcome from an event they are planning. Alternatively, these principles can be applied to dates in the future in which something is scheduled to occur and then interpreted to see what pros or cons may follow from the symbolism of that moment.

Some examples of events that electional astrology can help plan are:

  • Weddings for a long and happy marriage

  • To ensure the safety of the patient during surgery

  • Quitting smoking or some other habit to hinder regression

  • Starting a business for the best chance of success.

  • Applying for a job.

  • Making large purchases to ensure quality or profit.

  • And many more…

The price of an electional astrology consultation is $150 USD. Request your consultation by filling out the form on the left. Payment is accepted through PayPal and will need to be finalized before delivery of the election report, but other payment options may be explored. Expect a response within 24 hours of initial contact.

Natal Consultations

Natal astrology is the art of planning ahead.

Book your natal consultation by filling out the form below.

Natal astrology is the most well-known branch of the art.  The astrologer explores the planetary placements at the time and place of an individual's birth to gain insight into their potentials and personality. Additional techniques can be applied to the birth chart to explore the ebb and flow of specific time periods and understand the opportunities or challenges that may present themselves.

Year Ahead and Natal Timing
The year ahead consultation focuses on describing and qualifying the upcoming year. This consultation takes a look at all relevant charts and traditional techniques to provide insight into what the coming year may bring or how to best take advantage of the opportunities - and dodge the pitfalls - that come with life. Unlike most annual-focused consultations, this consultation is quarterly, spending the time to dive deeper into smaller, more iminent segments of time.

The price for the Year Ahead and Natal Timing consultation is $250 USD. This is payable either as one installment of $250 or as four installments of $62.50. Payment is accepted through PayPal and will need to be finalized prior to delivery of the report. Other payment options may be explored. Expect a response within 24 hours of initial contact.

Natal Health Report
This report focuses on applying medieval natal techniques to the birth chart with an emphasis on health and longevity. The report identifies the natal temperament and how that manifests in ones health and personality as well as prescribing potential remedies to decrease undesirable health consequences. The report also includes information on critical health periods.

The price for a Natal Health Report is $60 USD. Request your report by filling out the form on the left. Payment is accepted through PayPal and will need to be finalized prior to delivery of the report. Other payment options may be explored. Expect a response within 24 hours of initial contact.

Astrological Magic Consultations

Astrological magic is the art of the spirit.

Book your astrological magic consultation by filling out the form below.

Astrological magic is a fantastic tool to further understand the dynamic of your chart and take advantage of the energies therein. By propitiating planetary spirits existing inside of talismanic pieces, an individual can widen their net of opportunities and soften the blow of difficult transits.

Astrological talismans can be used to serve a wide variety of needs:

  • Health and protection

  • Attracting wealth

  • Attracting and developing healthy, constructive relationships.

  • Finding a desirable job.

  • Conquering fears and anxiety

  • And many more!

The demand for astrological talismans has exploded in recent years, but many are unsure how to get started or would like a second opinion on a talisman they have found online that they are interested in purchasing. Similarly, if you’re currently struggling to see results or experiencing negative phenomenon you suspect to be from a talisman you’ve recently purchased, I can help with that as well. If this sounds like you, consider an Astrological Magic Consultation! We’ll spend some time going over your birth chart, planning goals, and recommending practices or talismanic pieces to help you achieve them!

The price for an astrological magic consultation is $50 USD. Request your consultation by filling out the form on the left. Payment is accepted through PayPal. Other payment options may be explored.

Private Tutoring

Schedule your private tutoring session by filling out the form below

As students progress through their astrological studies, they invariably hit some sort of stumbling block. Whether it be some technique they just didn't quite understand, a topic they want to know more about, or just wishing to practice a new skill they've discovered. The solution to these sorts of problems is usually a more experienced individual with whom they can learn from or be pointed in the right direction by.

Private tutoring sessions are now available and can be booked in half hour or one hour blocks and repeated as needed. These sessions are expected to be tutee-led and the topic and scope agreed upon at the booking so that both parties are adequately prepared. Whether wishing to learn astrology from the ground up, learn how medieval techniques can enrich your astrological practice, or deepen your understanding of existing knowledge, tutoring is a great way to invest in the advancement of your astrological education and journey.

Tutoring is available for many topics, including:

  • Basic astrology

  • History of astrology

  • Horary astrology

  • Electional astrology

  • Natal astrology

  • Medical astrology

  • Astrological magic

  • And more!

The price for private tutoring sessions is $60 per half hour and $100 per full hour. Request your consultation by filling out the form on the left.  Payment is accepted through PayPal and will need to be finalized prior to the tutoring session. Other payment options may be explored.