The Mansions of the Moon

Ancient cultures have always looked to the sky as a timekeeping device. Just as the Sun's motion throughout the zodiac marks changes throughout the year, the Moon's motion throughout the night sky marks the changes throughout the month. For this purpose, the Moon's own psuedo-zodiac was designed based on her position in relation to notable star groupings. These are the 28 Lunar Mansions and observances and recordings of the Moon through these places appear in several cultures including the Middle East, India, and China.

The Lunar Mansions are determined by the position of the Moon as she circles the Earth. Taking her average motion of 12° 51' and 26" and dividing that by the 360°s of the zodiac, we arrive at the 28 distinct positions the Moon can occupy in the sky on any given night.

The Arabic word for the Mansions is "manzil"منازل meaning "house" and these positions were conceptualized as places where the Moon rested for the night. The Chinese name for the Mansions 二十八宿 (Èr shí bā xiù) ​better illustrates this with the word xiù (宿) meaning something more like a place one finds lodging for the night, almost like a motel room you would stay in on your way to some other location.

As a central time keeping device, the lunar mansions were popularly used in astrology and magic with each Mansion having its own traits, characteristics, and effects as well as assigned images (reminiscent of Decanic image magic from Egypt), spirits, and suffamigations.

The First Mansion

Name: Al Nath (The Two Signs)

Indicator Star: Probably Sheratan and Mesarthim which mark the horns of Aries, hence the name of the mansion.

Zodiacal Measurement: 0° Aries 00' - 12° Aries 51'

Electional Properties: Take medicine, begin a journey, purchase livestock, create discord between individuals, and imprisonment Not good for marriage, partnerships, or the foundation of a meaningful friendship or alliance as one individual usually tries to overpower the other

Talismanic Image: A black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, having in his right hand a spear in the manner of a warrior.

Talismanic Properties: Good for motivation and completing projects, safety during travel, ending unhealthy relationships, and murder.

Spirit: Geniel or Geriz

Suffumigation: Liquid storax (styrax)

Notes: Something of a difficult mansion to get a feel for, Al Nath has a propensity for duality. On the one hand, many of its properties are beneficial, such as lighting a fire under someone to encourage them to begin a project they've been putting off or for protection during journeys, but it has some pretty nasty utilizations as well such as ruining relationships, and cursing people with imprisonment or death (literally the example from Picatrix). How one approaches working with this mansion will depend heavily on what the goal is.

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The Second Mansion

Name: Al Butayn (The Little Belly)

Indicator Star: Botein

Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Aries 51' - 25° Aries 42'

Electional Properties: Good for planting and journeys, but bad for marriages and employment ("purchasing slaves").

Talismanic Image: A crowned king.

Talismanic Properties: Removal of anger, supplication, reunification. Finding treasures and underground resources, destroying buildings, and causing strife in relationships.

Spirit: Enediel or Enedil

Suffumigation: Lignum aloes

Notes: Kind of an odd mansion where the symbolism of the belly does little to provide information as to what it does (other than it being useful to begin agricultural works at this time, perhaps). The seemingly contradictory abilities to both pacify and rouse anger suggests that the mansion is less capable of soothing rage and more about passing it on. I once utilized a talisman of this mansion to assist my husband in getting a promotion under a boss that he didn't particularly like, but what ended up happening is that the position remained unfilled and was eventually deleted. So...don't do that.

The Third Mansion

Name: Al Thurayya (The Abundant Little Ones)

Indicator Star: Alcyone

Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Aries 42' - 8° Taurus 34'

Electional Properties: Good to purchase animals, travel (but not by sea), hunting, alchemical works, and doing good. Bad for marriage, partnerships between unequals, and planting.

Talismanic Image: A seated woman with her right hand above her head.

Talismanic Properties: Acquisition of all good things. Safe travel, hold individuals captive, success in hunting and alchemical experiments.

Spirit: Amxiel or Annuncia

Suffumigation: Musk, camphor, mastic, and aromatic oils.

Notes: This is my absolute favorite mansion and I definitely recommend this mansion as a good starting place for anyone new to creating astrological talismans. Picatrix summarizes the effects of the Third Mansion as the "acquisition of all good things" and that is a really concise way to phrase what this mansion can produce. Interestingly, an alternative image for this mansion is a lamp like the ones often seen in lore regarding genies. This likely is in reference to this mansion spirit's genie-like ability to fulfill wishes.

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The Fourth Mansion

Name: Aldebaran (The Follower)

Indicator Star: Aldebaran

Zodiacal Measurement: 8° Taurus 35' - 21° Taurus 25'

Electional Properties: Good for employing others, building, investing, and obtaining offices. Bad for marriage and makes traveling difficult and potentially dangerous.

Talismanic Image: A knight riding a horse and holding a serpent in his right hand.

Talismanic Properties: Destruction, creation of enmity, eradication of pests.

Spirit: Assarez or Azariel

Suffumigation: Red myrrh and storax

Notes: I don't have any direct experiences with this mansion as I've never really been in need of any discord or enmity (I can generate that well enough on my own, thanks), but I think the utilization for pest control to be especially interesting. Picatrix specifically mentions that the mansion is used to "kill and bind all reptiles and venomous creatures" which is likely a nod to the knight holding and controlling the snake in the image.

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The Fifth Mansion

Name: Al Haq'ah (A Circle of Hair on a Horse. Supposed to be a reference to a crown)

Indicator Star: Meissa

Zodiacal Measurement: 21° Taurus 26' - 4° Gemini 17'

Electional Properties: Good for marriage, education, making medicine, travel, employment, building, getting your hair cut, and washing your hair. Bad for business partnerships.

Talismanic Image: A head without a body. More contemporary artists have depicted it as a crowned head to differentiate from the decapitated head that is the image of Algol. That's probably wise.

Talismanic Properties: Assistance in learning, revelations in dream, and favors from superiors.

Spirit: Cabil or Gabiel

Suffumigation: Sandalwood

Notes: This mansion is very much focused on the head. Both in its electional considerations when it comes to hygiene and maintenance or magical where it focuses on obtaining information. Dream revelations seem to be a central property of this mansion as individuals have reported such visitations where the spirit sits down with them and reviews information on some situation they are involved in, leaving them feeling more informed and decisive when they awaken.

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The Sixth Mansion

Name: Al Hanah (The Camel's Brand [as one would brand cattle]), Al Tahayi (The Rainbearers), or Al Maisan (The Shining one).

Indicator Star: Alhena

​Zodiacal Measurement: 4° Gemini 18' - 17° Gemini 08'

Electional Properties: Good for actions of war and seeking justice ("pursuing enemies and evildoers"), travel, forming partnerships, and hunting. Bad for planting and agricultural work, borrowing money, or depositing something for safekeeping, also bad for taking medicines and treating injuries.

Talismanic Image: Two images each of one person. The two images are then tied together.

Talismanic Properties: Cultivating love and friendship, destroying cities and fields, improve hunting, bring enemies to justice, and render medicine ineffective.

Spirit: Dirachiel or Nedeyrahe

Suffumigation: Amber and lignum aloes.

Notes: This is another good mansion (like the second) to help reconcile individuals and renew a sense of trust and friendship. However, the type of love suggested is definitely more on the romantic side. I would also probably suggest using a different image if you're going to utilize this mansion for any of its other powers.

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The Seventh Mansion

Name: Al Dhira (The Forearm. Arabic astronomy featured a Great Celestial Lion which took up much of the constellations we recognize as Gemini, Cancer, and Leo, this mansion corresponds to one of the Great Lion's front legs)

Indicator Star: Castor and Pollux

​Zodiacal Measurement: 17° Gemini 09' - 0° Cancer 00'

Electional Properties: This mansion is good for agricultural pursuits and washing or purifying the body. The main characterstic of this mansion appears to be one of reconciliation or renewal as sources also indicate that this mansion is good for making peace with enemies should one choose to do so (it's also good for getting an advantage on them). This may be a reference to the mansion being associated with the paw of a lion and, by extension, the hand of a human. Hands can reach out in support and agreement or strike out in violence. This mansion is reportedly bad for buying property or healing the sick.

Talismanic Image: A man clothed in robes with his hands extended as if in prayer.

Talismanic Properties: Increase profit (usually through the buying and selling of goods), travel safely, safeguard crops, create goodwill between individuals, and the acquisition of all good things.

Spirit: Siely or Scheliel.

Suffumigation: "Sweet smelling things"

Notes: This mansion has similar characteristics to the third mansion and, interestingly, both images feature humans with their arms stretched towards the sky. This seems to create a visual theme of supplication or petition.

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The Eighth Mansion

Name: Al Nathra (The Tip of the Nose of the Great Celestial Lion)

Indicator Star: Praesape

Zodiacal Measurement: 0° Cancer 00' - 12° Cancer 51'.

Electional Properties: Good for healing, acquiring new goods, and travel. Bad for marriage, partnerships, and employment.

​Talismanic Image: An eagle with the face of a man.

Talismanic Properties: Victory, love and friendship, safe travel, hold captives, and pest control.

Spirit: Annediex or Amnediel

Suffumigation: Sulfur.

Notes: This mansion is typically used to overcome another party or otherwise influence and take control of them. While the original text material refers to the power of the talisman as ensuring victory in combat, it is just as adept at ensuring victory in competition or litigation as well.

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The Ninth Mansion

Name: Al Tarf (The Eye of the Great Celestial Lion)

Indicator Star: Alterf

Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Cancer 51' - 25° Cancer 42'

Electional Properties: Basically bad for anything constructive. Bad for agricultural activities, suggests deceit in partnerships made during this time, and not safe for journeys or inflicting evil on others. Good for capturing individuals to have them languish in captivity and good for fortifying gates.

Talismanic Image: A eunuch holding his hands over his eyes.

Talismanic Properties: Causing infirmity or protection from being attacked by others.

Spirit: Raubel or Barbiel

Suffumigation: Pine resin

Notes: Another good curse talisman if you're in the market for one of those. What's interesting about this one is that it can also be used for protection against others. This likely isn't a sort of passive protection that simply absorbs or dispels anything that comes your way. A lot of the imagery and related effects suggest something much more aggressive and territorial.

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The Tenth Mansion

Name: Al Jabha (The Forehead of the Great Celestial Lion)

Indicator Star: Regulus

Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Cancer 42' - 8° Leo 34'

Electional Properties: Good for marriage and partnerships and good for building. Not good for travel or lending.

Talismanic Image: The head of a lion.

Talismanic Properties: To cure illness and ease childbirth, to produce love between two people, the destruction of enemies, and completing and strengthening buildings.

Spirit: Aredafir or Ardesiel

Suffumigation: Amber

Notes: Another really great mansion, this one is specifically for convalescence and healing. It's a very gentle kind of healing that is very different from the type of recovery described in the 18th mansion. Picatrix talks about this talisman being washed in something that the sick person will consume, which is very similar to Taoist fu talismans which are burnt and mixed in medicines to be taken internally.

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The Eleventh Mansion

Name: Al Zubra (The Mane of the Great Celestial Lion)

Indicator Star: Zosma

Zodiacal Measurements: 8° Leo 35' - 21° Leo 25'

Electional Properties: Good for planting, building, partnerships, and battle, mediocre for journeys and trade, bad to be caught in.

Talismanic Image: A man riding a lion with a lance in his right hand while his left holds the lion's ear.

Talismanic Properites: To be feared and receive good things, having requests made to authority figures answered favorably, increase wealth, fortify buildings, assist in battle, rescue captives, and profit in trade.

Spirit: Necol or Neciel.

Suffumigation: None listed. Maybe saffron.

Notes: A very combative solar-themed mansion. Requests to authority figures can be made here and the talisman is good for getting further in the workplace. Unfortu-nately, Picatrix lists no suffumigation for this mansion which makes working with it a little difficult. I've tried frankincense with seemingly no effect, but have a list of other hunches to get through.

Though Picatrix doesn't list a suffumigation for this talisman, Francis Barrett's work The Magus lists saffron as the suffumigation for this mansion. This feels thematically appropriate.

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The Twelfth Mansion

Name: Al Sarfah (The Change or Diversion)

Indicator Star: Denebola

Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Leo 26' - 04° Virgo 17'

Electional Properties: Good for building, renting lands, agriculture, marriage, and putting on new garments. Bad for travel and employment.

Talismanic Image: A man and dragon fighting.

Talismanic Properties: Separation of two lovers, increase harvest and cause plants to prosper, destruction of riches, and reinforcing the loyalty of allies.

Spirit: Abdizu or Abdizuel

Suffumigation: Hair of a lion and asafoetida.

Notes: Kind of an odd mansion. Many of the electional properties are quite useful and fortunate and this is even repeated in some of the talismanic uses. However, the Picatrix reads in such a way as to lead one to think that this mansion is nearly wholly malevolent. That being said, the image itself is pretty violent, so you'd probably need a different image to tap into one of the more positive expressions of this mansion.

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The Thirteenth Mansion

Name: Al Awwa (The Howling Dogs)

Indicator Star: Zavijava

Zodiacal Measurements: 4° Virgo 18' - 17° Virgo 08'

Electional Properties: Good for planting and tilling, journeys, marriage, taking medicine, employment, petitioning authority, and cutting hair.

Talismanic Image: Separate images of a man and woman tied together

Talismanic Properties: Creating love between two people, increase of trade and profit, assisting crops, good and safe journeys, completing buildings, curing sexual dysfunction and freeing captives.

Spirit: Azerut or Jazeriel

Suffumigation: Amber and lignum aloes

Notes: An all-around helpful talisman with a lot of uses. Book 4 Chapter 9 of Picatrix implies that the primary purpose of this talisman is for creating erotic love between individuals. This is also the only mansion that specifically mentions curing sexual dysfunction.

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The Fourteenth Mansion

Name: Al Simak (The Unarmed Skyraiser)

Indicator Star: Spica

Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Virgo 08' - 00° Libra 00'

Electional Properties: Good for marriage, healing, agriculture, employment, partnerships, and traveling by ship.

Talismanic Image: A dog with its own tail in its mouth.

Talismanic Properties: Driving people apart, creating love between spouses, destroying lust, harming crops, assaulting travelers, assisting kings, and developing goodwill between allies.

Spirit: Erdegel or Ergediel.

Suffumigation: Hair of a cat and dog

Notes: Definitely a mixed message mansion. The suffumigation suggests a conflict between opposing parties which implies that the destructive uses are perhaps more correct and central to the talismanic themes. The apparent contradiction is hard to dismiss, but I have no experience with this mansion to say one way or the other.

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The Fifteenth Mansion

Name: Al Ghafr (The Covering or Shrouded)

Indicator Star: Syrma

Zodiacal Measurements: 00° Libra 00' - 12° Libra 51'

Electional Properties: Good to dig wells and canals, heal illnesses caused by windiness, employment, moving house, and buying and selling. Bad for journeys, partnerships, and marriage.

Talismanic Image: A seated man holding scrolls as if he were reading them.

Talismanic Properties: Acquisition of friendship and good will, digging of wells, finding buried treasure, impede travelers, separate spouses, and destroy the reputation of enemies.

Spirit: Achalich or Ataliel

Suffumigation: Frankincense and nutmeg

Notes: For a talisman whose name means "cover" it certainly isn't very protective or concealing in its applications. This particular mansion seems more involved in manipulating reputation and public opinion. This can explain why this mansion is used to both influence other people and bring the holder good will, but also besmirch the reputation of others. This talisman's ability to find hidden treasure may also have applications in influencing trade and profit.

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The Sixteenth Mansion

Name: Al Zubana (The Claws of the Scorpion)

Indicator Star: Zuben Elgenubi and Zuben Eschalami

Zodiacal Measurements: 12° Libra 51' - 25° Libra 42'

Electional Properties: Bad for travel, healing, making deals, planting crops, marriage, and partnerships. Good for employment.

Talismanic Image: A man seated on a throne holding a scale in his hands.

Talismanic Properties: Making money, destruction of merchandise and crops, causing hostilities in relationships, impeding travelers, and freeing captives.

Spirit: Azeruch or Azaruel

Suffumigation: "Fine odors" (vague instructions are vague)

Notes: This mansion seems to be attempting to reconcile the conflicting images of the asterism. The name of the mansion refers to the history of the constellation Scorpio, who was, at one time, a much more massive figure than we today depict it. The scales of Libra were once joined with it and formed the Claws which were often treated as a separate star group. The Claws of the Scorpion are a dangerous place to be, hence why much of the mansion's purpose seems to be for cursing or afflicting. The Scales of Libra, on the other hand, are much more beneficial and indicative of trade, measurement, and sales. So while this mansion is bad for basically everything because of the Scorpion's curse, it can be beneficial for producing money in sales. My most memorable experience with this mansion is when I created a talisman of it to help bring in more money and it instead raised my credit score by 70 points in one lunation.

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The Seventeenth Mansion

Name: Al-Iklil (The Crown)

Indicator Star: Acrab and Deschubba

Zodiacal Measurements: 25° Libra 42' - 08° Scorpio 34'

Electional Properties: Good to purchase livestock, besiege estates, put on new clothes, building, love, medicine, and travel even though the traveler will be anxious something will go wrong. Bad for partnerships, grooming, and employment.

Talismanic Image: A monkey with its arms up over its shoulders.

Talismanic Properties: Keeping thieves from entering a home, committing deceptions, besieging cities, reinforce buildings, protect travelers, to create lasting love and friendship.

Spirit: Adrieb or Adriel

Suffumigation: Hair of a monkey and the hair of a female mouse

Notes: An interesting mansion that protects resources against theft and predatory beings. It's interesting that the image of this talisman is of a monkey, likely public enemy #1 to merchants selling fruits and other food items in the marketplace.

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The Eighteenth Mansion

Name: Al Qalb (The Heart)

Indicator Star: Antares

Zodiacal Measurements: 08° Scorpio 34' - 21° Scorpio 25'

Electional Properties: Good for building, renting and purchasing land, getting promoted, useful for journeys where the destination is to the east, good for planting, and taking medication. Bad for partnerships and employment.

Talismanic Image: An adder holding its tail above its head.

Talismanic Properties: Relieving fevers and diseases of the stomach, conspiring against kings, vengeance against enemies, reinforce buildings, freeing prisoners, and separating friends.

Spirit: Egrebel or Egibiel

Suffumigation: Horn of a stag.

Notes: A lot of the mansions that reside in the sign Scorpio have overall hostile themes. This mansion is used for healing sickness and, in my experience, can do more than just heal infirmities of the stomach. That being said, its healing method is very different from the healing power of the tenth mansion. While snakes are symbols of renewal due to the shedding of their skin, they are also predatory animals. This mansion is much more surgical. Like a snake, the spirit consumes the source of the illness. It seems to get bored when left alone and will attack other parts of the body. So be careful with this one. I really prefer to use the tenth mansion to heal, but will use this one if I don't have a choice.

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The Nineteenth Mansion

Name: Al Ibrah (The Sting) or Al Shawlah (The Tail)

Indicator Star: Shaula or Lesath

Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Scorpio 25' - 04° Sagittarius 17'

Electional Properites: Good for sieges, litigation, journeys by land, and planting trees. Bad for partnerships, employment, and travel by sea.

Talismanic Image: A woman holding her hands in front of her face.

Talismanic Properties: Restoring uterine health, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, besieging cities, destroy wealth, expel people from a place, curse travelers, and increase harvests.

Spirit: Annucel or Amutiel

Suffumigation: Liquid storax

Notes: An interesting mansion that is a bit unusual given its location in Scorpio. This mansion focuses on protecting women and ensuring childbirth goes smoothly, but also has its fair share of curse applications staying true to the generally offensive theme of the Scorpio mansions.

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The Twentieth Mansion

Name: Al Naaim (The Ostriches, a reference to an old asterism formed by what we now see as the bow of Sagittarius)

Indicator Star: Ascella

Zodiacal Measurements: 04° Sagittarius 17' - 17° Sagittarius 08'

Electional Properties: Good to purchase livestock and animals, mediocre for travel, bad for partnerships.

Talismanic Image: Figure having the head and arms of a man, body of a horse with four feet, and holding a bow and arrow.

Talismanic Properties: Hunting, taming wild and disobedient animals, protection for travelers, joining people together, keep people imprisoned, and destroying resources.

Spirit: Queyhuc or Kyriel

Suffumigation: Hair of a wolf.

Notes: This mansion is useful for hunting and many contemporary practitioners have taken that to mean hunting in any sense; figurative and literal. Meaning that this mansion can be useful in helping to attain specific goals. The Warnock translation of the Picatrix example is equally ambiguous, with the text telling the practitioner to ask that "all I hunt in the world, and let them come to me swiftly".

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The Twenty-First Mansion

Name: Al Balda (The Wasteland)

Indicator Star: Albaldah

Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Sagittarius 08' - 00° Capricorn 00'

Electional Properties: Good for building, planting, and making big purchases or investments. Not good for employment.

Talismanic Image: A man with two faces; one facing forward, the other facing behind.

Talismanic Properties: Causing destruction, strengthen buildings, increase harvests, make a profit, and separate lovers.

Spirit: Bectue or Bethnael

Suffumigation: Sulfur and carabe

Notes: Another mixed-message mansion. Book 4 Chapter 9 lists "causing destruction" as this mansion's primary function, but Book 1 Chapter 4 lists other, more objectively beneficial uses as well. The foul-smelling suffumigation may be another clue to indicate which way the mansion naturally turns and we may also consider the position of the mansion within the lunar journey. In the 21st mansion, the Moon comes to the completion of 3/4s of her journey and her Last Quarter phase occurs at the end of the mansion and the beginning of the next. This marks the position where the Moon transitions from a melancholic Moon representing adulthood to a phlegmatic Moon that is more symbolic of the end of life. This strong waning and corrupting energy was also seen in the 14th mansion, Al Simak - which was also seen as malefic and destructive - where the Moon began her waning phase. This suggests that the more malefic characterization of Al Balda is probably correct, and to make sure that your election and image makes it clear that the purpose of the talisman is beneficial should you choose to use Al Balda for one of its more positive effects.

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The Twenty-Second Mansion

Name: Sa'd al-Dhabih (Luck of the Slayer)

Indicator Star: Prima Giedi

Zodiacal Measurements: 00° Capricorn 00' - 12° Capricorn 51'

Electional Properties: Good for healing, journeys, good for partnerships, good to get caught as the captive will quickly escape. Bad for marriage and employment.

Talismanic Image: A man with winged feet wearing a helmet.

Talismanic Properties: To suppress rumors, free captives, cure illness, create hostilities or goodwill between individuals.

Spirit: Geliel

Suffumigation: Mercury

Notes: It's difficult to not see this image as a reference to Mercury who is actually the ruler of the first term of the sign Capricorn. We also see a lot of Mercurial significations in this talisman such as the focus on escape and the reference to journeys and slander. The suffumigation is even just noted as "mercury" which could be either the metal (which is poisonous. Do not want) or an herb of Mercury could be a potential substitute.

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The Twenty-Third Mansion

Name: Sa'd Bula (Luck of the Swallower)

Indicator Star: Al Bali

Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Capricorn 51' - 25° Capricorn 42'

Electional Properties: Good for putting on new clothes, forming partnerships, taking medicine, and ensures quick escape for those caught. Bad for marriage as it implies abuse, journeys, and depositing something with someone for safekeeping.

Talismanic Image: A cat with the head of a dog.

Talismanic Properties: Destruction and devestation, heal illness, improve friendship, ruin marriages, and free captives.

Spirit: Zequebin or Requiel

Suffumigation: The hair of a cat and dog

Notes: Another difficult mansion with conflict and destruction as central themes. That this mansion can be used in healing is notable, but also dangerous in a way similar to the 18th mansion. This mansion's ability to heal is based on its ability to destroy the illness, this is different than the methodology of the 10th mansion who seeks to fortify the body to overcome the illness. The 23rd mansion is risky in the same way treatments like chemotherapy are risky. It can be effective, yes, but being heavy-handed can lead to weakening the body as a consequence.

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The Twenty-Fourth Mansion

Name: Sa'd al Su'ud (Luck of the Lucks)

Indicator Star: Sadalsuud

Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Capricorn 42' - 8° Aquarius 34'

Electional Properites: Good to take medicine, dispatching troops, employment, and freeing those captured. Mediocre for travel. Bad for marriage and partnerships.

Talismanic Image: A woman holding a child in her arms as if she were nursing.

Talismanic Properties: Increase of herds, increase merchandise, profit, increase goodwill between spouses, for armies to be victorious over enemies, destroy the resources of others, and prevent officials from fulfilling their office.

Spirit: Abrine or Abrinael

Suffumigation: Bull or ram horn.

Notes: This mansion is a very strong, positive mansion that focuses on increase and multiplication. There are very obvious birth and reproduction themes in the image. The suffumigation here changes based on what one is wanting to increase. Picatrix gives specific examples of using bull's horn to increase cows and ram's horn to increase sheep. Printing the image on a coin or bill increases money. I must have accidentally engraved the image on cat claws at some point.

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The Twenty-Fifth Mansion

Name: Sa'd al-Akhbiyah (Luck of the Tents)

Indicator Star: Sadalbachia

Zodiacal Measurement: 8° Aquarius 34' - 21° Aquarius 25'

Electional Properties: Good for sieges, seeking fights, taking revenge on enemies, good for safety in travel but causes delays, also good for fortifying buildings. Bad for marriage, planting, partnerships, purchasing animals and employment.

Talismanic Image: A man planting trees.

Talismanic Properties: Protection of crops, attack enemies, curse the body, destroy harvests, protect messengers on their travel, and to separate spouses.

Spirit: Aziel

Suffumigation: The flowers of trees.

Notes: The theme of difficulty and malice continues into this mansion which will be the last solely difficult mansion in the series. It's no accident that these mansions are concentrated in Capricorn and Aquarius, the signs of Saturn. This mansion focuses hard on destroying resources, but is also capable of protecting one's own resources from the same fate.

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The Twenty-Sixth Mansion

Name: Al-Fargh al-Muqaddam (The Preceding Spout), Al-Fargh al-Awwal (The First Spout)

Indicator Star: Markab

Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Aquarius 25' - 04° Pisces 17'

Electional Properties: Good for employment, building, and journeys. Difficult for marriage and bad for partnerships.

Talismanic Image: A woman washing or combing her hair in a vessel.

Talismanic Properties: Creation of love, protection for travelers, strengthen buildings, and hold people in prison.

Spirit: Tagriel

Suffumigation: Sweet-smelling odors.

Notes: After finally escaping the Saturn ruled signs, we get a sense of peace and prosperity. This mansion is a great, feel-good type of mansion that helps repair relationships that have had a rough patch and reaffirm love.

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The Twenty-Seventh Mansion

Name: Al-Fargh al-Muakhkhar (The Following Spout)

Indicator Star: Algenib and Alpheratz

Zodiacal Measurements: 04° Pisces 17' - 17° Pisces 08'

Electional Properties: ​Good for planting, business, and marriage. Bad for travel, employment, and giving or taking loans.

Talismanic Image: A winged man holding a perforated dish, raising it towards his mouth.

Talismanic Properties: Destroying springs and wells, increase merchandise, acquire profit, increase harvest, heal illness, impede buildings, harm resources, curse people.

Spirit: Abliemel or Alheniel

Suffumigation: Asafoetida and liquid storax.

Notes: This mansion is kind of two-faced and dualistic. On the one hand it can be used to bring great boon to someone, or great bane to that same individual. It really depends on carefully choosing the election and image you want to utilize to fit your purpose.

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The Twenty-Eighth Mansion

Name: Batn al-Hut (Belly of the Fish), Al Hut (The Fish), or Al Risa (The Rope)

Indicator Star: Mirach

Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Pisces 08' - 00° Aries 00'

Electional Properties: Good for trade, planting, healing and marriage. Bad for loaning or taking loans. Mediocre for travel. Partnerships begun her start well but end poorly.

Talismanic Image: A fish with a colored spine.

Talismanic Properties: Bringing fish together in one place, inflict damage on sailors at sea, increase merchandise, besiege cities, increase harvests, cause things to become lost, destroy areas, bring safety to travelers, increase love between spouses, and keep captives imprisoned.

Spirit: Anuxi or Amnixiel

Suffumigation: Fish skin

Notes: This talisman is very connected to the water and gives some control over it and its temperament. Water is typically symbolic of resources, wealth, and growth and we can see this connection in the powers of this talisman, but it also has a lesser dark side that encourages washing away and reducing.