Electional Astrology
"In every case of two good works, if it is impossible that what is best should be had, one must not overlook the other good which is possible to have. For those who do this are likened to a certain traveler who, though he was able to go by horse, since he was not able to mount on a golden sedan chair, nor have a tent which would protect him from the rays of the Sun, after dismissing the horse the stupid man went along on foot."
-Al-Imrani, The Book of Choices
Rooting in Elections
Electional astrology is a powerful tool, but it can be made more effective by connecting with points in a natal chart. Learn more about this historic practice and how it is key to enhancing elections.
A Royal Wedding
The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer captured the public’s attention and imagination. Explore the fairy tale wedding from the viewpoint of electional astrology.
Harvesting With the Heavens
Combine astrology with plant medicine by selecting the right times to harvest your medicinal herbs!