Harvesting With the Heavens
Timing has always been at the heart of astrology. Whether astrologers analyze a moment in the past or present for greater understanding or discover significant moments in the future, astrologers are investigating and characterizing time itself. This ability has several uses and electional astrological principles provide the most practical application of the examination and understanding of time.
Astrological medicine and magic are two fields that reap the most benefit of a strong electional skill set. Every moment in the process of treatment and ritual are subject to the stellar configurations at the time they are performed, but some of the most important times actually occur before a patient is seen or ritual commenced, particularly when plant material is being utilized.
Various aspects of agricultural astrology are relatively well-known. They have been included in almanacs for centuries and deal mainly with the time of planting in order to ensure hale and plentiful crops. The goal of a planted seed is to grow and flower, but the purpose of an adult plant is very different and the success of this purpose must, logically, be woven into the moment of its harvest. The conditions surrounding the harvesting of plants can have various effects, the most commonly sought being to enhance the plant's usefulness, but times can be selected to focus the effect of a plant from many potential effects.
Putting such an emphasis on the astrology of the harvest immediately leads many to think that such practice is to be utilized for the purposes of astrological magic. While this assumption is true, it is not complete as there is a long history of this practice being utilized in the field of medicine. In order to get the highest medicinal potency from each individual plant, sources state to harvest them at particular times.
β"Some hold that one leaf cures a quotidian, three a tertian, and four a quartan ague, and a hundred to one if it be not Dioscorides; for he is full of whimsies. The truth is I never stood so much upon the number of leaves, nor whether I give it in powder or decoction: If Jupiter were strong, and the Moon applying to him or his good aspect at the gathering, I never knew it to miss the desired effect"
- Nicholas Culpeper on cinquefoil
The above quote shows an example of this where Culpeper responds to the idea that the effectiveness of a particular medicine to treat specific diseases is due to a direct relationship between the amount administered and the characteristics of the symptoms (3 leaves for a fever the occurs every third day, etc). Culpeper states this entire consideration can be skipped if the plant is harvested at an appropriate time which empowers the medicine to do whatever it needs to do to support the body.
The methodology for selecting the appropriate time to harvest herbs for medicinal or magical uses is simple and straightforward.
"It is an herb of the Sun in Leo and should be gathered when he is there and the Moon applying to his good aspect. Let it be gathered in his hour or in the hour of Jupiter; let Sol be angular. Observe the like in gathering herbs of other planets and you may happen to do wonders."
-Nicholas Culpeper on angelica
Every plant is ruled by a planet from whom the herb is said to draw its powers. The plant manifests some aspect - either physically, spiritually, or medically - of the planet that rules it. By ensuring this ruling planet is well placed at the time of harvest, this celestial fortitude can be woven into the plant itself, empowering it and allowing this material to create more potent medications or offerings.
While the idea and techniques are fairly simple, looking for a perfect time to harvest will impose some strict limitations on the gatherer. For example, the most optimal time to harvest angelica only occurs for a couple of days a year when the Moon is applying a sextile or trine to the Sun in Leo. Unfortunately, plants are not harvestable forever and the herbalist or magician will need to use it before they lose it. The provided list below details configurations that would ideally be included in an election with the most potent listed first. It may not be possible to have all of these present in one chart but there should be at least one and having multiple present will ensure more potent herbs.
Ruling planet in its sign of domicile, exaltation, or triplicity.
Moon applying to ruling planet by conjunction, sextile, or trine with reception.
Moon applying to ruling planet by square or opposition with reception.
Moon applying to ruling planet by conjunction, sextile, or trine without reception.
Ruling planet angular
Waxing Moon phase.
Day of ruling planet.
Hour of ruling planet.
Hour of the Sun or Jupiter
βThe above conditions are selected to assist in empowering the herb not only with the power of its ruling planet, but also with generally healthful or beneficial symbolism. If the hour of the ruling planet is unavailable, substituting the hours of the Sun or Jupiter is acceptable as both planets are naturally conducive to health, healing, and vitality. Similarly, we prefer the waxing Moon to the waning Moon as the waxing cycle is symbolic of growth and health. The gatherer may choose to augment this list and add in other minor considerations depending on the exact purpose of the herb. An herb to be used in a moisturizing lotion or to combat insomnia would be better harvested during the night than during the day, for example.
The ultimate purpose of following electional considerations in harvesting is to sync the individual with the steps of the stars, uniting heaven and earth for the completion of one goal; supporting the health of the sick. Astrology's usefulness within the treatment process does not stop here, but the initial operations of harvesting plant material and constructing medications are often skipped due to the convenience the modern world allows.